Caleb the coffee guy
Keeping the mountains moving
The people who keep the world running are up before most of us even consider it “morning”. Construction workers, mechanics, public transit operators, and more. And many of these people start their day with coffee. But who keeps the coffee flowing? When the local cafe’s machine is on the fritz, who saves the day?
Meet Caleb, the Coffee Guy
Caleb is a Summit County, Colorado local that has been dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in coffee for years. With a background roasting at a local coffee wholesaler, he had been honing his tech skills in his free time. When the opportunity presented itself, he struck out on his own and started his tech business.
As he was just getting started, Caleb wanted to put his best foot forward while coming to market. After sitting down and talking about goals, we decided to shoot for a strong and modern logo that balances the line between the utilitarian styles of the technical industry and the modern aesthetics of the specialty coffee world.
In order to meet these goals, we utilized a variety of strong geometric sans serif typefaces that we modified to fit with each other. To allow the “Caleb” part of the mark to play well on it’s own we incorporated the shapes of an allen key head and phillips-head screw.
For ancillary information we used Chainprinter, a distressed typewriter inspired typeface, and applied an expanded tracking to help improve legibility at smaller sizes.
(Illustrations provided by client)